Healthy Tips

Tips for Creating an Effective Workplace Fitness Challenge

group of people stretching

A workplace fitness challenge is a great way to promote health and well-being among your employees. It can help get people moving more helps to get people active and improves team spirit, motivation, and productivity. Here are some tips from Active&Fit Direct for setting up a successful fitness challenge at your organization:

  1. Define clear goals and objectives
    Before starting the challenge, be sure to set clear and easy-to-understand goals. Do you want to focus on making your employees healthier, improving morale, or saving on healthcare costs? Knowing what you want to achieve will help you create a challenge that fits your needs and values.
  2. Look for support from management 
    To make a challenge successful, you need the support of your leaders. When employees see their leaders taking part, they are more likely to join in and take the challenge seriously.
  3. Choose the right type of challenge
    There are lots of challenges to consider depending on your end goals and what your employees prefer. It’s important to choose challenges that are inclusive to everyone. Be sure it can accommodate all fitness levels and abilities. Some popular options include:
    1. Step challenge: Encourage employees to walk a certain number of steps each day using pedometers or fitness trackers.
    2. Activity challenge: Track different types of physical activities such as running, cycling, or swimming.
    3. Team challenge: A little friendly competition can go a long way! Have employees break into small teams and set collective fitness goals.
  4. Utilize technology
    Leverage online tools to make tracking and participation easier. Fitness apps, wearable devices, and online platforms can help employees keep tabs on their progress. This can be a fun way to keep everyone motivated.
  5. Offer incentives and rewards
    Who doesn’t like winning prizes? They’re a great way to keep everyone excited. You could offer prizes such as gift cards, an extra day off, or fitness items. Make sure to celebrate both personal and team successes.
  6. Promote the challenge
    Make sure everyone knows about the challenge. Send out emails, put up posters, and share it on the company website. Regular updates and reminders can help keep everyone interested.
  7. Provide support and resources
    Make sure employees have what they need to succeed. Think fitness classes, nutrition advice, or access to gyms. Making these resources available can help employees to make healthier choices.
  8. Track progress and celebrate achievements
    Keep tabs on how the challenge is going. Share those updates with everyone. Then use the data to see what's working, highlight successes, and make changes if needed. When the challenge ends, celebrate everyone's hard work and achievements.
  9. Ask for feedback 
    When the challenge ends, ask for feedback from everyone who took part. Find out what went well and what could be improved. Use this information to make future challenges even better.

Workplace fitness challenges foster friendly competition, helps employees motivate each other and create a positive, energized work environment. Continue to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle and your employees will be more engaged, healthy and productive. 

American Heart Association. (2024, January 19). American Heart Association recommendations for physical activity in adults and kids. 

Gibson, H. (2023, September 5). How workplace wellness programs can give employees the energy boost they need. SHRM. 

Harvard Business Review. (2019, November 5). Making work less stressful and more engaging for your employees. 

Rezai, R., SantaBarbara, N., Almirol, E., Shedd, K., Terry, E., Park, M., & Comulada, W. S. (2020). Efficacy and costs of a workplace wellness programme. Occupational medicine (Oxford, England), 70(9), 649–655. 

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This content is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.


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