Eczema is a very common skin disorder that impacts more than 30 million Americans. In many cases, it can be managed with a proper skin care routine.1 Here are a few tips from Brevena Skin Care to help alleviate the common symptoms associated with eczema.
- Avoid hot baths or showers, and if necessary, take a warm bath for no longer than 15 minutes. And be sure to use a gentle, hydrating cleanser – no loofahs or washcloths – to avoid irritation.
- Add a quart-cup of baking soda to your bath to help soothe your skin and relieve itching.
- Apply a soothing cream after bathing or showering. Look for oil-based, fragrance and steroid-free moisturizers.
- Use a thick, oil rich ointment twice a day and apply it every time you wash your hands.
1National Eczema Association, 2007