Healthy Tips

Tips to Create an Employee Health Newsletter

Person stretching at their computer

Whether you are looking to find ways to virtually engage with employees or stimulate workplace wellness, you might consider releasing a health-focused newsletter for your employees. You will want your newsletter to reflect the ongoing shifts in your workers’ lives when it comes to their attitudes and behaviors related to health and wellbeing.

Employees who have access to timely — and well-vetted — newsletter information stand a better chance of preventing chronic diseases and improving their quality of life than those who do not.1 Below are some tips to make the most of your employee newsletters and keep your workforce engaged:

  • Keep articles short, with scannable subheads and bulleted lists.
  • Stay with one message per article.
  • Offer action steps that lead employees to more information.
  • Share personal success stories from employees.
  • Provide a variety of content so there is something for everyone: recipes, simple exercises such as desk stretches, health-related work events, etc.
  • Make sure fonts are consistent, there is lots of white space and you use images that help tell the story.

By staying in tune with employees’ ever-changing wellness needs and providing accurate, relevant information at the right time, you can help them improve their health behaviors.


1 "Health Communication." Heart Disease and Stroke | Healthy People 2020. Accessed September 05, 2018

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This content is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.


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