Healthy Tips

How to Keep Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

An array of workout items, such as a barbell, water bottle, jumprope, yoga mat, and sneakers

The New Year is the perfect time to establish healthy habits, which is why so many people make resolutions. Often, people quickly give up on these goals – studies show that up to 80 percent have given up by mid-February. Check out the tips below on why fitness resolutions fail and how you can make them stick, so you can have your best year yet.

Common Reasons That Fitness Resolutions Fail

  • Setting unrealistic goals. Goals shouldn’t leave you feeling too deprived or frustrated.
  • Doing too much too soon. You can’t safely lose weight, tone muscles or improve endurance quickly.
  • Not enjoying the process. If it’s not fun, you won’t do it.
  • Having no accountability. Creating new habits takes discipline. Find someone to “report to.”
  • Expecting quick weight loss. Healthy weight loss is typically 1 to 2 pounds per week.
  • Failing to track progress. You can’t know how well you’re doing without using accurate, measurable data.

Ways to Make Your Resolutions Stick

  • Set realistic, specific goals. “Lose weight” isn’t a specific goal. “Lose 10 pounds in 90 days” is.
  • Take small steps. Get results gradually. Start by planning workouts for the first week. Increase intensity weekly to stay challenged but safe.
  • Have fun! Do something you enjoy — work out at your fitness location, ride a bike, play tennis. Doing things that provide health benefits and pleasure helps you stay with your program.
  • Have an accountability buddy. Share goals so friends and family can help keep you on track.
  • Celebrate your success between milestones. Don’t wait until you reach your final goal. Enjoy the journey!
  • Track progress. Choose how you’ll evaluate results — by weight, body fat or increased activity. Keep a daily food and exercise journal. Track your progress weekly. Small victories are inspiring!

We Recommend

For best results, make simple lifestyle changes. Small changes have a big impact over time. It also never hurts to have the right tools to stick with your fitness goals — check out our fitness deals for great discounts on gym memberships to help you stay on track this year.

This content is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.


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